zaterdag 30 oktober 2010

DAY 8 - no love today but hope for tomorrow

Sometimes a day is not ment to actually get things done.
After several nights with 6 hours sleep I just wanted to sleep, but I didn't, I passed my breakfast to join the group for a tour. Once I was there and the tourguide didn't seem like a young fast walking guy I headed back for food. I wanted to work (but I could have slept in).

The title is not totally correct. But let me keep that for the end of this story. 
The first two hours I spend on my macbook to try to get my heartpictures ready for printing,
then I spend a few hours- searching for a shop to print them. In the end I only had 9 vaque black and white prints on ugly paper and I felt like I spend all my energy for that day allready (imagine walking trough tourists in narrow streets for hours).
I went to see the boys, the twinrappers. There was no way for them to actually make something theatrically interesting together without mentioning politics, and I excused myself for my arrogance yesterday.
That was the end of the line with them I thought, but Merlijn knew how to make them enthousiastic again, some karacteristic I can be very jalours about.... 

I decited to expand my collection of heart - and shopping window puppet - pictures. Somehow they are even uglier and stranger than yesterday. 

As a vegetarien I didn't come across a lot of different kinds of food.  I eat white pitabread, falafel, humus, cuecomber, tomato and sometimes spinich/cheese. 
After being bribed by a cabdriver again, waiting for food when hungry, changing restaurant and waiting again I gave up for today. (Also my blog is not the best one this week by the way)
I walked back on my own realising I need space to feel comfortable. Just like the locals tell me. 

But, as promissed; something positive: I went to the location where I perform with Mohammed. Good news; he's evailable from monday again.
That means we have 3 days to make the performance. But the location is so inspiring! There is a hole in the roof so I like to see talking heads there haha. Let you know!

btw I collected 41 hearts now (pictures that is).

Want to see more about me and my performance artwork?

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